Running with time, reaching for the world.
Turning adversity into opportunity, exploring the future.
We are a team of Professionals • We provide Risk Control • We guide you to success


• Caring Company Logo 2012-17

CHENG & WONG is being further awarded the Caring Company Logo of 2017 in recognition of our commitment in Caring for the Community, Caring for the Employees and Caring for the Environment over the previous year.

• Sports Activity Participation (2012-12-16)

Our Belief – Running with time, exploring the future

Scrutinizing today's technological advances, SMEs endure risks of elimination by the corporate globalization and monopolization as survival chances have become increasingly narrow. With this in mind, in order to stabilize in the market one must ride with the progressing changes, reach out to the global market, as well as turning adversities into opportunities. This is our basic philosophy.

Our core value - All equal before the law ..... (Learn More)